russian comedy
and, by the way, i saw my first russian comedy. and i love it.
much better than those stupid latvian movies, that are all so made! so bad actors!
well, here comes the story:
a fin is coming to russia to see a real russian hunting. he dreams of a hunting like in zar-times, with horses, dogs and whatever. what he finds is: vodka, vodka, vodka and a group of people that don't manage to do everything at all. very funny, whole thing was in russian with latvian subtitles, vecamamma was laughing her ass off. after some time i stopped reading the subtitles and understood much more than before.
but, again one strange thing:
there were some english, french and german parts in the movie. over the english parts was a voice translating into russian, at the german and french parts not [and i forgot the finnish parts, there of cousre also not.]
because the english were always russian enemies?
i didn't get it. but it was cool anyway.
i think i love russian movies.... :)
much better than those stupid latvian movies, that are all so made! so bad actors!
well, here comes the story:
a fin is coming to russia to see a real russian hunting. he dreams of a hunting like in zar-times, with horses, dogs and whatever. what he finds is: vodka, vodka, vodka and a group of people that don't manage to do everything at all. very funny, whole thing was in russian with latvian subtitles, vecamamma was laughing her ass off. after some time i stopped reading the subtitles and understood much more than before.
but, again one strange thing:
there were some english, french and german parts in the movie. over the english parts was a voice translating into russian, at the german and french parts not [and i forgot the finnish parts, there of cousre also not.]
because the english were always russian enemies?
i didn't get it. but it was cool anyway.
i think i love russian movies.... :)
yoZefiNe - 2006-12-13 16:42
Da hast du deinen Kommentar
Nein, nein um Gottes willen, lieber auf deutsch, da kann man sich wenigstens noch vorstellen, was meine unmöglichen Rechtschreibfehler an Worten u vertuschen suchen. Um aber auf die russische kommedie zurück zu kommen: Ich bin ja beruhigt, dass Russen sich selbst auch als die ewigen seufer darstellen.
lg. dein Schaf
keeeeeeen aljohol is och keeeeene loesung....