Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2010

"invasion of england"

das ist eine kopie von facebook. ich habe so gelacht als ich das gelesen habe. die besten kommentare jetzt exklusiv hier – auf meinem blog :D

Friday, 11 November 2011 at 11:00 - Friday, 18 November 2011 at 11:00

Location : All across England

More info: Scottish, Irish and Welsh peoples, We need to invade England and take their women, money and don't even let them keep their Freedom!
and remember yer kilts!

A: if i die in war tell my wife im gay we will fight for life
B: I'm an Englishman in Scotland - I'm screwed!
C: Only if William Wallace is there!!!
D: C your english!
E: scottish, one slight problem people we have rebuilt hadrians wall ya stuck
welsh, the price for the tolll bridge is now £8.23p good look cross we have no change
F: can we stop at that service staion on the border and get a kfc ??
G: Can't wait for us to get our independence away from those clowns. England is gonna regret this decision as we have all the oil!
H: Are we stopping at York???....I got a mate there (scottish)...wanna rescue him before he gets raped and pillaged!!
I: Lets overpower them with our relative inability to make money!
J: knives guns or spears ?? :/
K: quick someone invite the IRA! :P

Oh gott ich hab so gelacht und manche denken das ist ernst! das ist so lustig. sorry für alle die kein englisch können. oh gott, lachtränen :D

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